Aidan hits the road

July 12, 2024

Can you remember what you doing in Year 10? Our office’s answers varied from feeding our nintendogs to doing ‘graphic design’ at school which consisted of collaging using local papers and printouts…

We certainly weren’t managing our own photography business,with a polished website, whilst starting high school. We also weren’t proficient in Adobe Photoshop, the only photo shop we were familiar with were the ones where mum and dad came back with a paper parcel filled with candid family pics!

We recently had the pleasure of welcoming Year 10 student Aidan in the office for his work experience, and he blew us away with his knowledge and skill. It was so fun having Aidan attend client catch-ups and new project famils. He was able to see the exciting side of agency life, plus some not-so-exciting stuff AKA Monday morning meetings. We wish Aidan the best of luck with his future schooling, and his photography, and we have a feeling we’ll be seeing him again pretty soon.

You can find some of Aidan's work here